Focus on making games instead of the boring stuff. Let us connect your players, while you create the fun.
We believe in a future where people play together, regardless of device. To enable such a future, playverse was created around this core tenant so all developers can bring their communities together. While you focus on making your games great, we'll provide the technology to keep them connected, synchronized, and updated.
Regardless of service, players should always be able to enjoy games with their friends. Playverse is built from the ground up to support play on any distribution service. We currently support Steam, the Apple App Store, and Google Play, with many more exciting partnerships to come!
Created as a testbed for playverse before the launch of Dungeon Defenders II, Dungeon Defenders Eternity uses almost every feature in the playverse toolkit. From cross-platform play to Steam economy support, we're thrilled to give our defenders the chance to revisit Etheria before they experience new adventures in Dungeon Defenders II!
As the very first game to run on our service, Monster Madness features playverse’s in-app purchasing, match-making, and simultaneous cross-platform play. It is currently in development for our markets in Asia.
Eternity is the first game launched universally to test our playverse technology among the masses. Its focus is on perfecting scalability, Steam integration, creating a high-fidelity web-browser experience, and Android gameplay with controller.
The highly anticipated Dungeon Defenders sequel will bring a whole new slew of additional features to playverse, including integrated community management, a community portal with shared accounts, and the exciting new “Influence” system